Monday, November 12, 2007

Romancing the Capital - New Delhi

Part - 1

It's been 3 days here at the National Capital and I'm still taking in all the green avenues, the parks and the broad streets. Living at just a 2-minute walk away from the Lodi garden is such a pleasure and respite from the humdrum of a usual metropolis. My experience at Chennai has spoilt me a little - having lived close to office; a 5 minute walk, I had the luxury of staying away from a major noisy road and had access to decent recreational facilities and sports. Now I have to find something atleast half as good in Delhi, given the roof-shattering rentals!

It's however been very interesting and pleasant to be in such nice chilly weather for a change (after having lived all my life in Goa and a year in Chennai, both warm places). I suppose it gets pretty uncomfortably chill halfway through winter. But now I'm just soaking myself with the cool evening breeze and the chilly morning floor tiles. My first night in Delhi was with familiar faces - friends from college. We walked around a bit at a local mall catching up on each other, before stopping for supper.

The next day, I spent getting aquainted with the Englishman I shared the guest house with. Simon's a soft-spoken man, husband and a father, has pro-environmental sensibilities, which is why he's at TERI. We decided to spend some time on Sunday exploring a little bit of old Delhi. Our tour took us to the Red Fort which was overflowing with the sunday crowd. Not wanting to waste any time we decided to dump the Red Fort and go visit some other less-important places. Come evening we headed for Connaught Place (by Delhi Metro, my first ride on the subterrainean steel snakes!) to do some window shopping for a suit for Simon and shoes for me: I ended up buying.

It wasn't until late sunday night that I met the last of the guest house dwellers - Ismael. Ismael was away visiting the Taj Mahal all weekend. A genuinely kind Bangladeshi, Ismael often sets the mood to our evenings with his loud and melifluous laughter. A big Bollywood buff, Ismael loves watching Indian soaps and movies. It was quite eye-opening to watch Ismael enjoy Indian cinema, when I hardly patronised it. Well, I'm sure my time in Delhi will give me ample scope to explore Bollywood masala!

Monday evening, I obeyed working hours rather too strictly by shooting off from work at sharp 5.30 pm with the intention of going around the locality house-hunting. My hunt took me through quite a variety of landlords: an over-demanding Bengali couple to a conceding Sardar for a dingy room. That was when I decided I had had enough for the day.

Today's house-hunting day again.... wish me luck guys!


RAJANISH said...

Wish you good luck for your house hunting dear!

gift said...

Hey !!! Good to hear from you da!!!
So you probably are having a good time exploring the new place eh!! ...
Wish you good luck for the house hunt ... hope you dont end up hunting something else ;-) ...
And expecting to hear more from you ....

wagner said...

Thanks Rajanish..... need all the luck!

Sure will write more Gift... and by the way, I'm pretty focussed on hunting for a house for now! :)