Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Comprehending the Incomprehensible - by WAGner

(Inspired by the life of mathematician Georg Cantor)

There are stars above the clouds in the firmament
They say, it's possible to touch them now and then
A matter of perspective it is, I fathom, to do so;
Perhaps if a stone unturned you'll leave, seldom or never.

But how consistent can human minds be in achieving the pinnacle of excellence,
Of success in life or simply comprehending the meaning of existence?
If the firmament is indeed infinite, then by rectitude of our thoughts
Might we someday arrive at a synthesis of the philosophy we all sought;
But then again, how consistent can human minds be?

My predicament is not with my passion to comprehend the incomprehensible
It is only with arriving at a philosophy that at least begins to tingle
The simplistic logical sensibilities of my mind and the conscience of my soul
Thus placating my exasperation at the absence of a general axiom to plug the hole
In this continuum of several existential and philosophical ideas
That seem lofty to a simple mind as mine and yet so desirable and precious.

To be able to touch the stars may after all be possible
By means of physical and scientific theories, something one can humour oneself with as a gamble.
That takes out all the fun from realism that gives us the only tangible foretaste of consistency
Leaving us miserable creatures in a vicious cycle of redundancy after redundancy.
Why do we need to have the "Infinite" at all? Why not just contemplate it as an alter-concept to the imaginary number?
I reckon: the mystery of existence, the Holy Trinity and Infinity are intertwined forever;
To be deciphered only at the infinitesimal moment of existence before death,
At the final encounter with realism and the Creator - that is Truth.

26 October 2011 (Diwali), Nancy, France


amit said...

nice... :)
so engrossed are people in their petty pursuits, that the bigger, simpler questions have been swept to some dim corner or their existence...
but these are questions with no answers... the purpose of life may be to seek the truth, but no one seems to have got there!

wagner said...

Yes. Very often their petty pursuits are part of the bigger picture! If only they raise their heads up to the bigger picture..... sigh!

anand said...

its weird that you end it with a meeting fixed with the creator! but it may not go hand in hand with realism, and I will stress on "may", no one knows, but thats the whole point in living as you wish...either enjoy before the lights go off or wait for the light ;)

wagner said...

The words like "creator" are open to the reader's interpretation. I "reckon" truth will be revealed in a fleeting moment... maybe the flash of one's entire life before one dies, or for the more religious persons like me, the encounter with creator. However, for someone else, the premise of creator may be altogether different. Cheers!