Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Unfortunate Truth

I'd like to believe that my country is secular. I even once went on stage to say that (at an elocution contest in school halfway through which I lost my voice), but today the foundations of that staunch unwavering belief (or rather, a belief in denial) have become lose.

In the last few weeks, the happenings in and around India (attacks against Christians and Christian institutions in Orissa, Karnatakam, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala and Tamil Nadu) have left me questioning the very basis of my patriotism. It also has brought back a predicament familiar to those who practise a faith - i.e. what do you put first, your religion or your nation? The intolerance towards Christians in India has shot up to alarming levels. Who would have thought that a community as docile as a majority of Christians in India, would ever be the target of an organised (or instigated) hate campaign! I always felt bad, that in a great country as ours which has such noble ideals and principles in its constitution, hatred against certain sects of Indians is allowed to breed. Muslims in India are always looked at with suspicion - why? Even if some of the best people we know today may be Muslims, why do people in India look at that community as a foreign on? Aren't they sons and daughters of the same nation? So what if the former invaders of India were Muslims without scruples, or oppressive monarchs, we call ourselves an independent country don't we? Today, this very intolerance and alienisation has led to the creation of outfits like the Students' Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and the Indian Mujahideen (IM) and perhaps even the Naxalite movement.

Another similar example is the unreasonable attitude and intolerance towards people of lower castes. Although most forward looking Indians would like to uproot that evil (caste system) from our society, we're still not ready to give our seat in a bus to a porter, or address a "dhobi" (launderer) with respect. These and many other such instances lead me to ponder: where is my country headed? Will it lead to a self-purification through the judicial system; will it lead to India being declared a Hindu nation ; or will it lead to India's self annihilation?

We need to stop and look at where we went wrong. We need to go beyond our inter-religious inhibitions and build a nation. Unfortunately, in the process of becoming a progressive democracy we've become a progressive idiocracy. Wake up Indians!


Gunno Punno Channel said...

It's not about any faith its about vote banks. When leaders of a country divide the country on the basis of faith, these incidents happen.

We need leaders and radical thinkers to come out and change the scenario. Why are people who believe in democracy or peace or equality remain silent and do their jobs.

We need contributors...we are the youth...we have to come forward..Action is the solution....

wagner said...

I agree..... India has one of the largest youth populations today, so there is immense potential. But, again, many of our youth are easily led astray - take the case of those young bombers who planted the bombs recentlty at Mehrauli market. We as youth should talk to each other, work together and help our country come back on path! Lot of work to do therefore, so let's get cracking.